3rd Central European Regional Meeting, Maďarsko



Termín: 14. až 16. května 2008
Místo: neuvedeno

zobrazeno 2352x

BREAST PATHOLOGY, Technology Transfer in Diagnostic Pathology

Technology Transfer in Diagnostic Pathology 3rd Central European Regional Meeting Breast Pathology organized by the Hungarian Division of the International Academy of Pathology Visegrád, May 14-16, 2008
Congress Secreteriat K&M Congress Ltd. H-1064 Budapest, Podmaniczky u. 75. telephone: +36-1-3012000 telefax: +36-1-3012001 e-mail: send a message website: www.kmcongress.com Official language The official language will be English. Important deadlines Abstract submission January 31, 2008 Extended until February 15, 2008. Early registration fee February 29, 2008 Location of the congress Hotel Silvanus**** H-2025 Visegrád, Fekete-hegy www.hotelsilvanus.hu On the hillside above Visegrád, the hotel offers a breathtaking view of the Danube Bend, with an undisturbed natural environment, quiet surroundings and excellent conference and wellness services.