Symposium on Urological Pathology in London



Termín: 23. až 24. listopadu 2007
Místo: neuvedeno

zobrazeno 1985x

British Division of the International Academy of Pathology: Symposium on Urological Pathology on 23-24th November 2007 in London
Friday 23rd November 2007 :
  • Recent advances in the treatment of renal cancer: the role of pathology. Speaker to be confirmed
  • The value of immunocytochemistry and molecular techniques in renal cell carcinoma classification. Professor S. Fleming
  • Novel marker for the diagnosis and assessment of bladder cancer. Professor Gareth Williams
  • Variants of bladder cancer and mimics. Dr Jonathon Shanks
  • My approach to the classification of non-invasive urothelial neoplasms. Professor R. Montirioni
  • Pitfalls in testicular pathology. Dr D. Berney
  • Penile Cancer - The UK perspective. Dr Cathy Corbishley
  • Update on the RCPath Uropathology datasets. Dr Patricia Harnden
  • Subspecialisation in Histopathology: * How to do it. Dr Meg Ashton-Key * Impact in Uropathology. Dr Jef Theaker * Debate
  • How to avoid the lawyers; Pitfalls in prostate needle biopsy diagnosis. Dr Ian Roberts
  • Ask the Uropatholgists: Questions from the floor
  • Meeting Dinner Saturday 24th November : Slide Seminar. Contributors:
  • Cathy Corbishley
  • Stewart Fleming
  • David Griffiths
  • Patricia Harnden
  • Jef Theaker