Paris, France, June 14th and 15th 2012
This meeting will be dedicated to a rapidly emerging field of the clinical pathology: the study of tissular biomarkers, their integration to morphological diagnosis and the definition of molecular targets for targeted therapy.
Main topics
- An introduction to biopathology
Tissue biomarkers and targeted therapy (Pr Fabien Calvo, InCA, French National Cancer Institute)
Systems pathology: Emerging integrative pathology (Pr Manfred Dietel, La Charité Hospital, Berlin, Germany)
Tissue, tumors and theranostics: insights from the oncologist
- Circulating tumor cells and metastasis
Comparison of primary and metastatic melanoma by whole genome sequencing (Dr Samra Turajlic, London, UK)
Identification of metastasis of unknown origin using Cancer Type ID (Dr Jean-Marie bruey, BioTheranostics, San Diego, CA, USA)
Detection of circulating tumor cells (Pr Patrizia Paterlini, Necker Hospital, Paris, France)
- Molecular pathology of main cancers: an update
Molecular pathology of Colorectal cancer(Dr Inti Zlobec, Bern, CH)
Molecular pathology of Prostate cancer
Comprehensive clinical genotyping of lung cancers: new targets, new technologies, new challenges (Dr Mark Ladanyi, MSKCC, New York, USA)
Integrative molecular pathology of Breast cancer (Dr Hege Russnes, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo, Norway
- Next-generation sequencing (NGS) in biopathology
Whole oncogenome sequencing: is it sustainable? (Dr Laurent Alexandre, Charleroi, Belgium)
Targeted sequencing for germline and somatic analysis in cancer (Dr Eleanor Rattenberry, WMRGL, UK)
v Next generation sequencing for molecular diagnosis in oncogenetics (Pr Nicolas Sévenet, Bordeaux, France)
Targeted NGS from FFPE in oncopathology (Pr Jean-Christophe Fournet, Paris, France)
Translocation identification by the NGS approach (Pr Olivier Delattre, Paris, France)
- Gene amplification and somatic mutation analysis in clinical diagnosis
Somatic mutation analysis in DNA from fine-needle aspiration (FNA) and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPE) (Pr Tom van Wezel, LUMC,
HER2 update
BRAF1 update
KiRAS/EGFR analysis from FFPE (Pr Jean-Christophe Sabourin, Rouen, France)
- Morphological and Immunohistochemical assessement of tissue biomarkers
Quantitative immunochemsitry for tissue biomarkers (Dr julian Beesley, HistoRx, Branford, CT, USA)
Raman ´optical biopsy´ of human breast cancer (Pr Halima Abramczyk, Technical University of Lodz, Poland)
Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes as a prognosis biomarker: "In situ immune response in colorectal cancer: In vivo veritas..." (Pr Franck Pages, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, Paris, France)
Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy in cancer detection (François Lacombe, Mauna Kea Technologies, Paris, France)
- Tissue biomarkers at each floor
Classification of neuroblastomas by arrayCGH (Dr Isabelle Janoueix, Institut Curie, Paris, France)
Translating miRNA discovery in plasma into biomarkers for early detection of colorectal cancers (Mr Soren Jensby Nielsen, Exiqon, Vedbaek, Denmark)
miRNAs as tissue and cancer biomarkers
Proteome: is it suitable for diagnostic pathology?
- The emerging field of biopathology
Ethical and legal issues of molecular pathology
Systems medicine and genome medicine: are we ready?
New therapeutic targets emerging from clinical cancer genomics (Dr M Ladanyi, MSKCC, New York, USA)
We advise you to register early (only 50 places remaining) at
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Informations: Pr Jean-Christophe Fournet, Hopital Necker, Paris
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