First European Symposium of Biopathology and Molecular pathology

zobrazeno 2484x

Uveřejněno 25. května 2012

Paris, France, June 14th and 15th 2012


This meeting will be dedicated to a rapidly emerging field of the clinical pathology: the study of tissular biomarkers, their integration to morphological diagnosis and the definition of molecular targets for targeted therapy.

Main topics

- An introduction to biopathology

  • Tissue biomarkers and targeted therapy (Pr Fabien Calvo, InCA, French National Cancer Institute)
  • Systems pathology: Emerging integrative pathology (Pr Manfred Dietel, La Charité Hospital, Berlin, Germany)
  • Tissue, tumors and theranostics: insights from the oncologist

    - Circulating tumor cells and metastasis
  • Comparison of primary and metastatic melanoma by whole genome sequencing (Dr Samra Turajlic, London, UK)
  • Identification of metastasis of unknown origin using Cancer Type ID (Dr Jean-Marie bruey, BioTheranostics, San Diego, CA, USA)
  • Detection of circulating tumor cells (Pr Patrizia Paterlini, Necker Hospital, Paris, France)

    - Molecular pathology of main cancers: an update
  • Molecular pathology of Colorectal cancer(Dr Inti Zlobec, Bern, CH)
  • Molecular pathology of Prostate cancer
  • Comprehensive clinical genotyping of lung cancers: new targets, new technologies, new challenges (Dr Mark Ladanyi, MSKCC, New York, USA)
  • Integrative molecular pathology of Breast cancer (Dr Hege Russnes, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo, Norway

    - Next-generation sequencing (NGS) in biopathology
  • Whole oncogenome sequencing: is it sustainable? (Dr Laurent Alexandre, Charleroi, Belgium)
  • Targeted sequencing for germline and somatic analysis in cancer (Dr Eleanor Rattenberry, WMRGL, UK)
    v Next generation sequencing for molecular diagnosis in oncogenetics (Pr Nicolas Sévenet, Bordeaux, France)
  • Targeted NGS from FFPE in oncopathology (Pr Jean-Christophe Fournet, Paris, France)
  • Translocation identification by the NGS approach (Pr Olivier Delattre, Paris, France)

    - Gene amplification and somatic mutation analysis in clinical diagnosis
  • Somatic mutation analysis in DNA from fine-needle aspiration (FNA) and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPE) (Pr Tom van Wezel, LUMC,
  • HER2 update
  • BRAF1 update
  • KiRAS/EGFR analysis from FFPE (Pr Jean-Christophe Sabourin, Rouen, France)

    - Morphological and Immunohistochemical assessement of tissue biomarkers
  • Quantitative immunochemsitry for tissue biomarkers (Dr julian Beesley, HistoRx, Branford, CT, USA)
  • Raman ´optical biopsy´ of human breast cancer (Pr Halima Abramczyk, Technical University of Lodz, Poland)
  • Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes as a prognosis biomarker: "In situ immune response in colorectal cancer: In vivo veritas..." (Pr Franck Pages, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, Paris, France)
  • Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy in cancer detection (François Lacombe, Mauna Kea Technologies, Paris, France)

    - Tissue biomarkers at each floor
  • Classification of neuroblastomas by arrayCGH (Dr Isabelle Janoueix, Institut Curie, Paris, France)
  • Translating miRNA discovery in plasma into biomarkers for early detection of colorectal cancers (Mr Soren Jensby Nielsen, Exiqon, Vedbaek, Denmark)
  • miRNAs as tissue and cancer biomarkers
  • Proteome: is it suitable for diagnostic pathology?

    - The emerging field of biopathology
  • Ethical and legal issues of molecular pathology
  • Systems medicine and genome medicine: are we ready?
  • New therapeutic targets emerging from clinical cancer genomics (Dr M Ladanyi, MSKCC, New York, USA)

    We advise you to register early (only 50 places remaining) at

    Connect to Registration. Payment by Paypal, bank transfer or check.

    Informations: Pr Jean-Christophe Fournet, Hopital Necker, Paris

    Join the discussion at the Biopathology group at LinkedIn.
    Twitter: Biopathology