Plicní patologie

zobrazeno 2694x

Uveřejněno 3. července 2008

Možnost zapojení do pracovní skupiny plicní patologie

Vážení členové společnosti, cestou dr. R. Matěje jsme byli osloveni s nabídkou možnosti zapojení se do e-mailové diskusní skupiny Pulmonary Pathology Working Group of the European Society of Pathology. Zájemci se mohou obrátit e-mailem buď na adresu, nebo přímo na adresu prof. Timense -

Z textu prof. Timense:...
As a member on this list, your e-mail address and name will not be disclosed to other members. However, if you use the listserver to send a message to all other members, your e-mailaddress will be shown; a reply to a message received through the list will only go to the original sender of the message. The executive committee of the Working Group will use this discussion list to distribute relevant news and information regarding the Working Group and all areas of Pulmonary Pathology. Furthermore we hope this discussion list will facilitate active mutual communication within our working group!

If you know of any collaegue that would be interested, please pass on name, affiliation and e-mailaddress and they will be added to the list

To have an up-to-date overview of all members we would appreciate to have an update of the member list, so please send your name, degrees, position, affiliation, emailaddress. We will then compile a membership roster to be distributed to all members.


kind regards

Wim Timens
on behalf of the Executive committee of the Pulmonary Pathology Working Group